The Firm
E2M - Law firm in Luxembourg since 2008
Our Firm
E2M - Founded in 2008, Etude Max Mailliet is a niche law firm in Luxembourg, specialized in designing and implementing international and multi-jurisdictional complex litigation strategies, insolvency law, commercial and financial litigation, fraud and asset tracing and white collar crime defence and offence.
We aim to combine a rigorous internal structure with high-quality legal advice and a one-to-one approach, promoting the closeness to our clients and the best response to their needs.
The firm regularly receives awards in the areas of asset tracing and white collar crime, and we are regularly appointed as insolvency receivers in high profile insolvency cases of companies and investment funds.
The firm is the Luxembourg exclusive representative to ICC's Fraudnet, a network of professionals specialized in the combat of fraud and asset tracing and of GRIP, the network of Global Restructuring and Insolvency Professionals.
Awards 2022
In 2022 we were awarded with White Collar Crime Law Firm of the Year in Luxembourg award by The Layer Network.
Who’s Who Legal included E2M to the list of the leading firms in Asset Recovery mentioning that "founding partner with Etude Max Mailliet Max Mailliet is a top-tier lawyer who is sought after by clients for his international fraud, asset tracing and white-collar crime expertise".
Our Connections
Our Values
Strong values are key, we stand and build our community by the following ones:
Understand our clients
We aim to listen, to anticipate and to respond to our clients’ needs and to understand their business. It’s because we really get what our clients do that, we can serve them best.
Find efficient solutions
We will always look for efficient and constructive solutions to our client’s problems. Our expertise enables us to remain at the forefront of legal developments and to work with our clients to identify efficient solutions and anticipate challenges. We will refrain from unnecessary proceedings, nor will we do any unnecessary work. We do not generate fees that are not useful, and we strongly discourage our clients to start useless proceedings.
Provide excellent and timely service
We will always provide high standard service. Rome was not built in a day; good legal advice is also not done in a rush. We are responsive and react in a thorough manner. In case of an emergency, we are available and handle such emergencies as a priority.
We submit our written submissions timely, ahead of the deadline.
Stick to highest moral standards, integrity and professionalism
As lawyers, we adhere to the highest moral and ethical standards. Our integrity and that of our clients is extremely important to us.
We have a duty to uphold the rule of law and fight for the Etat de droit whenever it needs to be defended, especially in times of crisis.
Encourage teamwork
We work as a team, so that even when one of our members is not in the office, our clients are serviced in the best possible way.
Work pro bono
We undertake pro bono work in a regular manner, since, as lawyers, we consider this to be part of our duties to society.